Past Grants
Learn about past CESFAS projects.
CESFAS Seed Grant (2021-2022)
Hemp Field Trials as a Foundation for Hemp Production and Processing in New Mexico
The goals of the project are improving hemp cultivars for different regions of the U.S., recommending crop management practices, quantifying and characterizing crop yields and properties, and developing molecular genetics tools. The purpose of the project is to re-introduce hemp as a crop to American agriculture and rebuild researcher and extension personnel expertise for hemp. The expected benefits of the seed grant are:
- Provide preliminary data to strengthen the grant proposals that combine hemp biomass production (agronomy) and value-added processing (engineering).
- Develop Extension field workshops and resources for outreach and education.
Principle Investigators (PIs)
- Catherine Brewer (Chemical & Materials Engineering;
- Kevin Lombard (Plant & Environmental Sciences;
Pioneering Guided-Ultrasound-Enhanced-Evaporation (GUEE) method for Reduce Energy Consumption During Evaporation of Dairy Ingredients
The dairy industry represents the number one agricultural activity in New Mexico, and it contributes to the well-being of many New Mexicans, from cattle nutrition and herd management to the manufacture of dairy products. Annually, New Mexico produces about 7 billion pounds of milk, accounting for 4% of the national milk production (Cabrera & Hagevoort, 2007). Although most of the milk produced in the state is used for cheese production, New Mexico is missing the revenue generated from emerging dairy ingredients, such as protein concentrates and other powders. Indeed, the global market of dairy powders had increased from about $27 billion U.S. dollars in 2017 to over $30 billion in 2019, and it is expected to exceed $38 billion by 2025 (Allied Market Research, 2019).
This project aims to reduce the energy needed to concentrate liquid by coupling guided ultrasound within a falling film evaporator. Our approach consists of the generation of ultrasonic waves and guides them along the evaporation tubes. The research will help improve the sustainability of dairy powders' manufacture. The results will presented to stakeholders through scientific journals, symposium at a professional meeting and technical meetings with industry. NM and U.S. dairy processors will directly benefit from energy-efficient evaporation, which will help them to remain nationally and internationally competitive. The project will also promote the development of innovative technology and help advance education and public awareness of technological platforms for sustainable food production. The proposed research effort will promote the vision and stewardship of CESFAS in sustainable engagements.
Principle Investigators (PIs)
- Sergio Martinez-Monteagudo (Family and Consumer Sciences;
CESFAS Seed Grant (2020-2021)
Investigating Robotic Technology for Sustainable Chile Production and Harvest in New Mexico
New Mexico-type chile production faces challenges that include increasingly scarce irrigation resources and labor availability. Advanced technologies that have benefited other crops have not been explored for chile; this project seeks to embrace one of these innovations. Robotic technology will be investigated in research objectives including: (1) using sensor-equipped mobile robots to provide real-time data on actual soil and plant status in chile fields to optimize irrigation, (2) investigating water use efficiency (WUE) of chile plants under deficit irrigation, and (3) investigating the use of specialized robotic manipulators for mechanized harvest and pedicel removal of green chile fruit.
Principle Investigators (PIs)
- Stephanie Walker (Extension Plant Sciences;
- Manoj Shukla (Plant & Environmental Sciences;
- Mahdi Haghshenas-Jaryani (Mechanical Engineering;